Debate Mate Launch
Ms Wilson also tells us about the launch of Debate Mate: “We have been thrilled to launch Debate Mate this year, despite the challenges we are facing due to Covid 19. Students have been gathering in their year group bubbles after school to partake in the programme. Firstly, they were invited to a launch event which took place over Zoom – during this they were able to understand more about debating and watch a ‘show debate’. Now, with mentors from the University of Manchester, they are starting to practice some of the skills which are enhanced by the Debate Mate programme: listening to different points of view, working in a team, and using language persuasively. In the photos you can see Year 9 students working together to form an argument – the topic has clearly got them talking! We are ready to welcome any students who would like to join their Debate Mate bubble.”
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