Debate Mate Urban League
Teacher of English, Ms Wilson, tells us about round one of this debating event: “On Wednesday, 5th February, two debating teams represented Trinity CE High School at the Debate Mate Urban League Round 1. They tackled difficult topics such as ‘Students should be able to vote for which subjects they learn at school’. They had to respond quickly in their teams, preparing speeches, arguing either for or against the proposal. Then, they debated against teams from other schools, listening to their arguments and rebutting their points. Finally, the summary speaker of each team had to summarise their team’s argument and respond to floor questions from the audience. This was a brilliant opportunity for our students to put their debating skills to the test; they did exceptionally well, winning at two of their debates. In our weekly Debate Mate sessions after school on Tuesdays, they will now continue to train and practice their communication skills in preparation for the next round!”
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