Mobile Phones – Our School Policy
This half term there is a renewed focus on mobile phones. Research indicates that a young person spends an average of 9 hours a day on their mobile phone (, 2021). This has been proven to have a detrimental impact on the wellbeing of young people.
In forms this morning, students watched a short video outlining the impact of mobile phones and the expectations that we have in school.
We understand that in the event of an emergency occurring when a child is travelling to or from school, there may be a need for parent and child to contact each other.
However, students will be reminded of the following:
- Mobile phones should not be visible or audible in school from the start of the school day at 8.25am (when the bell sounds) until the end of the day.
- No student should be filming/recording using a mobile phone at any time.
- If a mobile phone is visible, the member of staff WILL confiscate the phone and hand into Student Services, to be collected at the end of the day.