Odd Arts Theatre
From Head of PSHCE, Ms Emery:
“As part of our ongoing PSHE provision, Year 9 students have been exploring the impact propaganda can have on individuals and society and the process of radicalisation. Our students recently took part in a workshop at school delivered by Odd Arts theatre, where they watched a ‘live’ play that educated them about the vulnerabilities, triggers and warning signs associated with radicalisation. This workshop was made to empower students to spot the signs of concerning material and behaviour and where to get help and support. Below is a flavour of some of the student responses to this workshop.”
'I found it kind of useful because it informed me about racism, grooming etc'
'It made me understand that people often become radicalised due to difficult situations in their lives'
'It made me understand more about why and how people become radicalised'
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18th February 2022 – Vol 38 | No 22