Open Day
Our Year 7 and Sixth Form Open Evening for prospective parents took place last Thursday. It was a fabulous occasion with over 1000 people visiting the main school and the Sixth Form.
One of our most visited subjects was PSHCE.
Ms Emery writes – During Open Evening prospective students and parents were given a flavour of some of the topics that students cover in our PSHCE lessons. From Safety & First Aid, to the role of the Monarchy, to healthy eating.
Students and parents experienced the ‘drunk buster’ googles, used in our Y9 Keeping Safe unit on the risks of drinking alcohol and how to ‘traffic light’ risks in order to manage a possible risky situation. Parents and students were given the opportunity to vote on whether we should have a Monarchy (from our Y8 Citizenship lesson). By the end of the night the votes were 60% in favour of The Monarchy! To top it off, students and parents performed CPR chest compressions on our Manikin to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’.