Open Evening
Tuesday, 17th September, was the date of our whole school ‘Open Evening’ for prospective students in Year 5 and 6 and their families. Each of the departments in school sets out displays of students work and designs creative activities for our visitors to try. The music department greeted all our guests in the school entrance (as seen above), and a musical ‘flash mob gospel choir’ toured the building, creating a wonderful sound. Within the school, we had over 150 students involved in leading tours and helping departments. When one group were asked why they were so keen to help out, they said together, “we’re so proud of our school!”
We have received some feedback from visitors, including the following:
“We had a great time visiting trinity last night, my daughter was very impressed, as was I, it was such a lovely atmosphere and the students are such a credit to you.”
Read more in our newsletter…