’Our Faith, Our Planet’ Conference
Our Sixth Form Singers delighted delegates at the annual Diocesan Climate Change Conference ‘Our Faith, Our Planet’ at Manchester Museum on Thursday 14th September. They showed great commitment and dedication as well as their wonderful vocal talents to perform so early in the school year and represent Trinity at this important occasion. They sang two inspiring songs: Proud and Hold us Together and the performance was enjoyed and appreciated by all who attended. Thank you to Jess-Leigh, Rose-Leigh, Hannah, Lydia, Esther, Ella, Ruth, Claire and Richie.
Our Chair of Governors wrote:
‘Yesterday evening I was at the Our Faith Our Planet event at Manchester Museum. The event was opened, to my delight, by the Trinity High Acapella Group who sang two songs. They sang very, very well, and with great self-assurance. It was wonderful to listen to.
Thank you to Mrs Madden for organising the visit.