Relationships and Sex Education Policy
We are starting a consultation on our revised Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy and have a statutory duty to consult with parents. At a governors’ meeting on Monday, 19th July, 2021, it was agreed that the revised RSE policy (available on our website: ) would form the basis for the consultation with parents. The policy has been revised from the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This consultation will take place from Friday, 23rd July, to 12.00 noon on Wednesday, 8th September, 2021. The existing policy can also be found on the policies page on the school website.
If you have any comments on the proposed governors’ RSE policy, please e-mail me in school using this address:
Any comments will be responded to in early September, 2021, and following the consultation, the policy will be reviewed by the governors and we will have the revised policy formally approved in October, 2021.
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