Scene Setting
This year’s Scene Setting videos can be found on our school website. These videos have been put together by each year group’s pastoral team in order to provide all parents with useful information for the year ahead. Please click on the main video first followed by your child’s year group specific video.
In the videos our Senior Tutors answer frequently asked questions addressing uniform, attendance and punctuality, monitoring your child’s progress, key dates, supporting your child’s mental health, who to contact if you have any concerns, as well as the importance of using social media safely. There is also an opportunity to ‘meet’ your child’s form tutor. I’m sure that Year 7 parents will find the information extremely useful, whilst the videos will serve as a good point of reference for the parents of children in older year groups.
We also highlight the importance of being able to log into ClassCharts to keep up to date with the daily life of your child’s Trinity experience.
Please follow the links to access the videos: