Science in Focus
From Year 12 and 13 Senior Tutor and Teacher of Science, Dr Alnuamaani:
“It has already been a busy half term in the science department – four of our inspirational female scientists and mathematicians in the Sixth Form have completed their Nuffield Research placements, written their reports and are preparing for their celebration event in November at The University of Manchester. Their research included investigating the effects of mutations on the development of breast cancer, how differences in neurons in the brain can affect memory in people affected by schizophrenia, how to use x-rays and computer generated images to investigate the properties of materials and how multinational engineering companies can play a role in supporting young people and reduce the number of 18-24 year olds that are unemployed.
We also hosted the University’s Physiology department in our annual Physiology Friday event. Students in Year 12 and Year 10 learnt more about the heart and pregnancy and how to take blood pressure readings. In addition, some of our Year 12 A-level Biology and BTEC applied science students attended a Breast Cancer Awareness conference at Wythenshawe Hospital’s Nightingale Unit.
Following the visit, Zoe, Year 12, writes:
“Some students from the Honours Aspiring Medic group in the Sixth Form were chosen to attend a conference hosted by the Prevent Breast Cancer charity. This charity uses all their funds to research how the risk of breast cancer can be increased and decreased, formulating and testing new drugs and supporting those who have cancer and who have survived cancer. It was so interesting to learn that this is the only centre in the UK dedicated to the prediction and prevention of cancer.” Caroline Bennison from the Nightingale unit said “It was a pleasure to have your students attend the conference. They were very engaged throughout and a credit to the school.” The students came back so inspired from the conference that they organised a “wear pink Wednesday” event for sixth formers and staff to raise money for the charity. A real inspiration to all aspiring medics and scientists of the future.”
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