“Shabtis in Schools” Programme
From Head of History, Mrs Wright: “Last week, there was an exciting arrival into the LRB. A shabti, belonging to King Senkamanisken was installed to form the focus of some exciting project work in collaboration with the Manchester Museum. A shabti is a mumiform figure found in ancient Egyptian and Sudanese tombs. Senkamanisken was a Sudanese pharaoh from 600 years before the Birth of Christ and his shabti is one of hundreds that were found in his tomb when it was opened in the 1830s. In the coming weeks we will be selecting ambassadors to work with the History department to put on a series of events and activities for Years 7 and 8. In the meantime, you should drop by the Manchester Museum on Oxford Road. The Manchester Museum, just 100m from school, has a full exhibition of Egyptology – why not visit over half term?”
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