Sixth Form News
Our Sixth Form Academic Mentor, Ms Hall, gives us the latest updates:
“Last week was a busy week in our Sixth Form as we encouraged our Year 12s to consider their post-18 options by attending the UCAS exhibition at the Convention Centre in Manchester City Centre.
Students spoke to a variety of universities, apprenticeship providers and careers exhibitors, making sure they enjoyed a freebie or two along the way!
As part of our school wide initiative, Black Lawyers Matter, the Crown Prosecution Service were invited into school to run a workshop with Year 12s focusing on a real life criminal murder case study. They discussed the evidence in groups and impressed the prosecutors with their attention to detail, and charging the correct defendant which was later confirmed at the end of the session!
Our Year 13s continue to celebrate University offers from institutions such as University of Leeds, Liverpool John Moores, Oxford Brookes, University of Edinburgh, University of Bath and Birmingham City University. Our BTEC Engineering and Science students are also awaiting outcomes of degree apprenticeship recruitment following interviews for companies such as Aztra Zeneca, United Utilities and more! To supplement these options for post 18 study, GM Higher delivered virtual sessions in the Year 13 tutorials on a range of topics, from Managing Your Offers, to Student Finance, ensuring that students received the most up to date information from UCAS and the Student Loans Company to inform their planning for the future.”
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