Sixth Form Open Evening
Last Wednesday, we welcomed prospective Year 12 students, for admission in September 2020, to our annual Sixth Form Open Evening. We were delighted to meet over 200 visitors from both our existing Year 11s and from other local high schools. The prospective sixth formers toured our excellent facilities and had the opportunity to talk to staff and our ‘Sixth Form ambassadors’ about an array of topics such as course content, enrichment opportunities and study periods. Our Head Boy and Head Girl, Luke and Iram, and their deputies, Sandalia and Jeffin, (pictured above) led a ‘Q&A’ session during the evening, which was a great aid in helping students to understand what life is like as a Trinity Sixth Form student. More photos from the evening can be seen inside.
Our Sixth Form ambassadors sharing their knowledge and experience with our visitors:
Below left, our Sixth Form Academic Tutor, Miss Hall, shows us the ‘welcome pack’ our visitors received on arrival, and below right, our Sixth Form Senior Tutor, Dr Alnuamaani, informs our visitors about enrichment opportunities, including the Honours Academics Course and the aspiring medics programme:
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