Sixth Form Open Evening
Wednesday, 10th October, will be the chance to see ‘the Jewel in the Crown’ – our on site Sixth Form Centre, offering access to a wide variety of post-16 courses, traditional A levels and vocational alternatives.
Our Sixth Form was judged to be ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in October 2017, who made some of the following comments:
- “All students spoken to during the inspection would recommend the sixth form to others.”
- “Teaching and learning in the sixth form is excellent in engaging students in their lessons.”
- “Leadership and management of the sixth form is very strong.”
- “Students are highly focused, interested and motivated.”
- “Leaders provide students with high-quality, impartial information, advice and guidance right from the start of their time in sixth form.”
We would be delighted to welcome students and parents from Years 10 and 11 on the evening, as well as Year 11 students from other schools across the region, to tour the Sixth Form.
Our Head of Sixth Form, Ms Tattum, and the whole Sixth Form team will be on hand throughout the evening to answer any questions you may have – we look forward to seeing you there!
Read more in our newsletter…
28th September 2018 - Vol 35 | No 4