Strike Action
Strike Action on Thursday 27th April 2023 and Tuesday 2nd May 2023
Firstly I would like to welcome you all back after the Easter holidays. We are looking forward to another busy term. However, It is with great frustration that I need to report that two more days of strikes have been called. With the cooperation of teachers, we will be able to run full provision for Years 11 & 13 in school. Y12 will work at home but will have ‘live’ lessons, Y10 will just come in for scheduled exams and years 7, 8 & 9 will work at home on ‘Show My Homework’ core subject activities.
As before, children of parents of ‘critical workers’ can come into school, and we will expect other invited students to attend as normal also. I can assure you, the teachers at Trinity are doing everything they can to ensure progress continues in all lessons through this challenging time. Thank you for your patience.