Summer Term
Many people think that the end of term is a relatively ‘quiet’ time in school – the reality is somewhat different! Staff are busy planning for immediate events – for example the residential trips to Switzerland and Holland in forthcoming weeks as well as our Activities Week – with year 7 having an Arts Week, year 8 at Anglesey, year 9 engaged in business & enterprise and Y10 and Y12 on various forms of work experience. Next week is particularly busy with the year 11 and year 13 proms, the Y11 final assembly and the new staff residential! Thank you to all the staff who are arranging special events and celebrations for our wonderful students. Next week we will be in contact regarding how we respond to the news that across the country some teachers will be taking industrial action (striking) on the 5th and 7th July 2023. We will message you midweek with our arrangements and confirm them all in the newsletter next Friday.