Transport Update
A message from Transport for Greater Manchester:
“We want to make it as safe as possible for students to return to school during lockdown and beyond.
If your child is returning to school from 15th June, 2020, please help protect school buses and public transport for those with no alternative and cycle or walk if possible. To get help and advice on cycling and walking, including tips on journey planning visit
For students who must use public transport, space will be limited due to social distancing and with capacity restraints this may mean students won’t be able to board all services.
Also, when using public transport students should keep themselves and others safe by wearing a face covering; keeping your distance; washing your hands regularly and buy tickets online or use mobile apps.
A TfGM igo card is proof of age ID (needed for child tickets from age 11) and is also a smart card for buying tickets online, see for details.”
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