Year 11 Parents’ Evening
Our parents’ evening for Year 11s operated in a slightly different way this year – rather than face-to-face meetings in our Sports Centre or Sixth Form, the event ran remotely with telephone appointments being organised to take place on the evening of Wednesday, 4th November. It was a great opportunity for parents to have productive conversations with their child’s subject teachers, and we received positive feedback from parents about the evening:
“I just wanted to give you some feedback from the Year 11 parents’ evening for our son. The system of telephone meetings worked surprisingly well for us, we managed to get feedback from all his teachers who all rang around the allotted times. Even when two teachers rang at the same time on different phones one just rang back when we were free. Thanks for enabling us to have parents’ evening in this way.”
Our next remote parents’ evening will take place for Year 12 and 13 parents on Wednesday, 25th November, 2020 – further details will be sent to parents.
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