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School Profile
- 11-18 High School and Sixth Form with 1460 students.
- Rated ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ in every category by OFSTED in 2023.
- Maintaining a five year average (2017-2023) of GCSE headline results exceeding national averages.
- Modern High School constructed in 2011.
- Technologically resourced Sixth Form.
- Teaching School status.
- Maintaining International School status.
- Collaborating relationships with Manchester Universities, Royal Northern College of Music and Manchester Aquatics Centre.
Trinity Church of England High School is committed to the protection and safety of its pupils and operates a Safer Recruitment policy. An appointment will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.
Applicants must be willing to support the Christian ethos of the school.
View our School profile on the TES website here or through the link below