Last Day Arrangements
…as the last school week of 2021 approaches, we would like to make parents aware of the last day of term arrangements on Friday, 17th December, 2021. The structure of the day will be slightly different than usual and there will also be Christmas music celebrations for KS3 students and an extended ‘brunch’ for all year groups.
Form Tutors will be explaining the structure of the day to students, however please be aware that there will be a staggered early finish for all year groups on this day:
Year 7: 12.35pm
Year 8: 12.30pm
Year 9: 12.25pm
Year 10: 12.20pm
Year 11: 12.15pm
Years 12/13: 12.15pm
Read more in our newsletter…
10th December 2021 – Vol 38 | No 14