School Communications
We’re making communication easier, faster and more effective…
From September we will be using an exciting new system to keep you up to date with what is going on in school every day.
Class Charts provides ‘live’, information of your child’s experience at Trinity, including:
- Achievements and rewards
- Latest announcements from school
- Notifications of behaviour sanctions.
- Your child’s attendance record
- Parents can notify school of absence e.g. upload medical appointment card
- Your child’s timetable and class teachers
A letter will has been posted home which provides instructions as to how to download the free Class Charts app, including a unique parent pin formation. If you require another copy of this letter please email
Please download the app/sign into the website as soon as possible. There is a competition between forms in each year group, for the first form to get 100% parental sign up!!
MyEd App
All school communications are through the MyEd App, this includes notification of students arriving late for school, absent students, detentions, reminders for parents evenings ad so forth. All parents should download the MyEd App and register for this facility. Click here for more information.
Information regarding courses students are following, trips and so on can be found on our Moodle site, click here.