Please follow this link to the New Starter Hub page for our uniform supplier: SWI Parent Guide (swischoolwear.co.uk)
Pre-loved Uniform
We now have a pre-loved uniform scheme.
If you would like to know what’s available in your child’s size, or arrange an appointment to visit in person outside of term-time, please contact:
We are grateful for donations of clean uniform in good condition. Items can be left at the main school reception or sent in with children to be handed to Student Services.
Lost property is added to the pre-loved uniform bank once per term. Unclaimed items are washed by staff volunteers before being made available.
New Uniform
All items are available from:
Sportswear International (Tel: 01928 752 610).
Orders can be placed online at: www.swidtp.co.uk
Or via post to: Fairoak Lane, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Runcorn, WA7 3DU.
School trousers, skirts, shirts, socks & shoes can be bought from large retail outlets.
P.E. socks (£5), ties (£5) & headscarves (£7) can be purchased within school.
Compulsory Uniform
Trinity uniform is the same year-round:
- Trinity blazer
- Smart white shirt with collar + top button (no polo shirts)
- Trinity tie (appropriate to year group, to be worn up to the neck)
- Trinity red v-neck jumper with school logo/badge (years 7, 8 and 9)
- Trinity black v-neck jumper with school logo/badge (years 10 and 11)
- Black smart tailored trouser (wool/polyester for boys or girls)
- Black pleated or A-line skirt (at or below the knee)
- Black smart flat shoes and black socks/tights. Please note black trainers are not acceptable. Shoes must be sturdy due to health and safety e.g. in technology lessons
- House badge (given to students free-of-charge on starting school, replacements can be purchased from Student Services)
- Trinity headscarves (can be worn as part of religious observance and can be purchased from Student Services)
- Coats, jackets and hoodies may not be worn in classrooms, laboratories or the LRB.
PE Kit
- Red polo shirt (with school logo, years 7, 8 and 9)
- Black polo shirt (with school logo, years 10 and 11)
- Black aertex design shorts (with school logo, all year groups)
- Sports socks (red in Years 7, 8 and 9, black in years 10 and 11)
- Trainers (students need to change into alternative footwear for PE)
- Black leggings (for girls only)
- 1/4 Zip outdoor top (recommended for cold weather, red for years 7, 8 and 9, black for Years 10 and 11)
- Black skorts (can be worn by girls)
Make-up & Jewellery
- 1 pair of plain gold/silver stud earrings in the ear lobe only and a watch (none other, due to issues of safeguarding and loss)
- No jewellery to be worn in PE lessons
- Facial piercings are not permitted
- Make-up and nail varnish are not allowed
Hats and Belts
- Baseball hats and/or hoods or not permitted to be worn in school
- Narrow, plain, black belts are permitted to be worn
- Facial hair is not allowed unless it is an essential requirement of the religion
- Hairstyles should be conventional in cut and of a natural hair colour