Y9 Gurdwara visit
Before half term Y9 students visited the Gurdwara as part of a project they are doing with the University of Edinburgh on the relationship between food and religion. The students listened to a talk about major tenets of the Sikh faith, saw a number of important artefacts and then all shared a meal together which is known as a ‘langer’ – a free vegetarian meal available to anyone who enters a Gurdwara. Students enjoyed a meal of daal (lentil curry) and rice, and karah prasad-a sweet buttery food which emphasised the work they have been doing in class about the sense of togetherness and community that food can bring within faith.
David Y9 said, “The food tasted really nice and we could see how the meal represents that everyone is treated equally.”
Peace Y9 said, “The people at the Gurdwara who spoke to us were very passionate about ‘langer’ and what it stands for.”
Diya Y9 said, “I really liked the interior design of the Gurdwara. It was really interesting to see how it operates and how objects such as the Kirpin (a sword which some Sikhs have on their person at all times to symbolise that they would defend their faith) is used”.
Thank you to Ms Bansal for accompanying the students to the Gurdwara.