A Busy End of Term
The final week before the summer break was certainly a week to remember!
On the Tuesday afternoon, the Year 10 Celebration of Progress took place, with parent governor, Andrea Plimmer, giving a motivational address to the audience and presenting our Year 10s with their awards.
On Wednesday morning, foundation governor, Revd Prof Peter Scott, led our end of year Eucharist, giving thanks and looking forward to the summer.
On the Wednesday, we were also delighted to welcome a group of 23 teachers from Shanghai High School, China. Our visitors toured the school, visited lessons and were given presentations by staff and our Chair of Governors, Peter Hilton, on a range of topics, such as the curriculum, extra-curricular activities, professional qualifications and governance.
On the Wednesday afternoon, the Sports Centre was filled with Year 9 students, parents, staff and governors, to celebrate the success of students at the Year 9 Graduation. It was our pleasure to welcome the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Cllr Abid Chohan, to present the awards.
Friends of the school and readers of our newsletter will be aware of the very sad circumstances about Year 9 student, Anderson. We were delighted that Anderson and his family attended the event and it was a truly special moment when Anderson received a standing ovation from the audience whilst collecting his platinum award.
Rosa, now in Year 11, tells us about an event that took place on the Thursday: “On the last Thursday of term, the 3G pitches drew quite a crowd as, for the first time, a Year 10 girls’ team entered one of the inter-form football tournaments. Defying many expectations, the girls held their own and ended up drawing with the other teams, with two wins apiece.”
On the Thursday and Friday mornings, special extended end of year assemblies took place for all students. We were joined by Sarah Bradley, from Platt Church, Rusholme, who used Psalm 139 to remind us that God is always close to us, in celebrations and in hard times. There was also some fantastic performances by our choir and musicians.
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