Debate Mate
Teacher of English, Ms Holt, tells us about our new Year 7 debating team (shown below) who recently attended the Debate Mate launch:
“On Wednesday, 31st October, I took 20 Year 7 students to the University of Manchester to partake in the ‘Debate Mate Launch Event 2018’. The students were able to meet their mentor for the upcoming year of debating, meet students from other schools and watch a show debate from some of the top debaters in Manchester. During the show debate, students were able to ask questions and challenge speeches. Elina, Year 7, was courageous enough to stand up in front of the whole lecturer theatre and challenge the opposition team. All of the students had a fantastic time and are all looking forward to their Debate Mate journey, which will allow them to develop their communication skills, build confidence and most importantly enjoy competing against other schools as a team. Trinity has a fantastic debating legacy and it’s lovely to see so many new pupils ready to take on the challenge of improving their debating skills. The below photos show our Year 7s at the launch.
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