Harvest Collection
Towards the end of last half term, we reported on our successful harvest collection, made possible by the generosity of students and staff at Trinity. We are pleased to announce that we provided enough soup to feed just under 2000 people if it was all served at once!
The below photo shows some of our Sixth Form students transporting the goods into the school minibuses to be delivered to the Cornerstone Centre.
Earlier this week, we were very pleased to receive a letter of thanks from Sr. Maria at the Cornerstone Centre:
“Thank you so much for the wonderful Harvest Bounty to Cornerstone – two minibuses filled to overflowing and a generous cash donation. That was truly a real blessing and so much and such a variety of good things, for which we are truly grateful. The shelves were almost empty, but now we can celebrate with shelves filling up again.
Students, you certainly must have worked very hard to collect such a wide variety of things we really needed. Trinity always comes up trumps, generous, unfailing and totally committed to what you all do. What a wonderful school!
A word of thanks to your Head, staff, parents and everyone who encouraged, helped and supported you in this most Christian virtue of reaching out to the poor and needy around us, which you did admirably.
God bless and reward each one of you for your wonderful generosity of spirit.”
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