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The Safer Phones Bill

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House Team Initiatives

Our lockdown challenge winners for Week 1 and 2 have been revealed:
Non-physical challenge winners:
WEEK 1: Acts of Random Kindness – and the winner is…
Adam from Year 8 in Springbok House. In a recent email to the House Team, Adam’s mum wrote the following:
“Adam’s brother Ben, aged 8, was working in the kitchen with his Maths work and Adam could hear him from the other room getting frustrated with the questions. Adam simply came into the room and handed his brother his favourite teddy (without saying a word) as he knows how much Ben loves his teddies, they help keep him calm and make him feel much better. It was only a simple gesture, but it meant a lot to his brother and makes me feel very proud of Adam’s caring nature.” 
This was a very difficult challenge to judge as every nomination has shown how kind Trinity’s students can be. A lot of the nominations related to kind acts done for fellow humans, either students or members of the community, who needed a little TLC during the current lockdown. A real testament to our school community putting our school ethos into action. Thank you to all those parents,  teachers and students who sent emails and photographic evidence of the good deeds and efforts carried out over the past week.

WEEK 2: Using British Sign Language – and the winner is…
Tom from Year 7 in Maple House In a recent email to the House Team, Tom’s mum wrote the following:
“Tom’s grandad was profoundly deaf and had been since the age of 5. He was part of the Deaf Christian community and had learnt sign language when he was at school. I was really pleased that Tom had a go at this week’s challenge, and I know his grandad would be very proud of him! (In the clip Tom says his name and that his grandad was deaf).” 
Thank you so much to Tom for his effort this week. In John 3:18 it says, ‘Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.’  Thank you to all those parents,  teachers and students who sent emails with video clips of messages using British Sign Language over the past week.

WEEK 3 Challenge:
This week we would like you to submit your attempts at ONE of two challenges. You can choose:
Build a tower of coins. Try your hand at piling up as many 1p, 2p, 10p, etc. to construct a column as tall as you can. Count how many coins you use, and we would like photographic evidence.


Construct a tower of cards. This can be as many levels as you can build.


Either challenge that you choose this week will require balance, precision, and focus. Patience will be key! We look forward to seeing your attempts!

You can nominate yourself, or even better, a parent/teacher/relative/friend may also submit your name. We are requesting that you send us a photo or video demonstrating your construction.  Submissions need to be sent to: Please ensure that submissions are with us by Monday, 8th February.

Physical challenge:

Please keep your eye out on the School website for updates of your House in the ‘Miles Challenge’.  Don’t forget you will need to submit your miles yourself into this form:

Please ensure your children and students following government and NHS guidelines when taking part in these activities.

Here are the latest results:



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5th February 2021 – Vol 37 | No 20