English Literature
A Level English Literature
Course Information
English students are involved in, challenged and exhilarated by their studies. They enjoy great opportunities to debate issues in stimulating ways.
English Literature offers opportunities to develop your personal interests and enthusiasms – especially a love of reading – as well as time to think about a range of personal, cultural and historical issues.
Study of English Literature is commonly combined with other Humanity subjects: history, religious studies; it works well with social sciences such as psychology and sociology; it supports other language studies and is often the best subject to support further studies in art and music.
Course Content
Texts Include:
- Othello
- Heart of Darkness
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- Lonely Londoners
- Poetry: Poems From The Decade and poems by Rossetti
Future Careers
Writing, Publishing, Marketing, Teaching, Law, Business, Academic Research, Human Resources, Journalism, Public Relations.