A Level History
Course Information
As a history student, you will never experience the events that you study; instead you have to build up a picture from the evidence that has been left. You have to become skilled at asking questions, sometimes awkward ones; and not to take everything at face value.
You have to develop empathy and understanding of the actions and achievements of others; you have to be prepared to put your case and argue it well; you have to use evidence to draw conclusions and make judgements.
Course Content
We follow the AQA History A Level specification.
Modules Include:
- The British Empire, c1857 – 1967
This option allows students to study in breadth issues of change, continuity, cause and consequence in this period through the following key questions:
- Why did the British Empire grow and contract?
- What influenced imperial policy?
- What part did economic factors play in the development of the British Empire?
- How did the Empire influence British attitudes and culture?
- How did the indigenous peoples respond to British rule?
- How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments?
- The American Dream: Reality and illusion, 1945 – 1980
- The European Witch Craze (Non Examined Assessment) or a study option from before the year 1800 of your choice.
Future Careers
Historian, Journalism, Teaching, Research, Accounting, Advertising. Management, Business, Human Relations, Politics.