Business & Computing
Business & Computing
KS3 Business and Computing Curriculum
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Basic Computing Email, OneDrive, DTP |
e-Safety | They Made it Happen | Hardware & Software | Animation | Ice Cream Van Introduction to modelling |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Media Influences | Computer Control | Programming with Scratch | Cyber Security | Apps for Good | Networks |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Introduction to Business | Marketing Mix | Programming a Computer (Python) | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Web Design |
Digital Literacy
This is the main focus throughout year 7, developing the IT literacy skills in terms of general office applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and Powerpoint. This is to enable pupils to develop skills that can be applied in a range of contexts to support their learning across the curriculum. They will need to consider audience and purpose when creating digital content.
A growing focus of the curriculum delivery is preparing students to consider their safety when using technology, and will be introduced to e-safety, in terms of the risks and benefits of making use of digital tools.
Computational Thinking
In this pupils learn key concepts in Computer Science. In year 8 they are introduced to algorithmic thinking, decomposition, computational mathematics and design methodologies. This will be covered through a range of topics from Media Influences, looking how the media influences Society and discussing a range of topics from Body Image to mental health. We will also introduce computational mathematics and how images are stored on computers. Flowcharts will then be used to introduce algorithmic thinking, decomposition and design methodologies.
These themes are then continued in a practical programming unit using scratch as an object orientated programming language. This is then developed further in year 9 through the teaching of a script based programming unit in python. Pupils will bring together their learning to create a project of their own in python.
Business Studies
During year 7, pupils will be introduced to business concepts such as; trade, politics and law. These themes will continue throughout the year 8 curriculum until they will be taught a discreet Business unit in year 9. In year 9 pupils will develop an understanding of the different forms of ownership, the legal status of different business types and why different businesses exist. They will then learn about marketing and how business makes use of promotions.
As the majority of students will work for, or run their own businesses once leaving education, the aim is to provide an insight into the world of business and the factors that influence the success or failure of a business.