Physical Education

Curriculum Intent

PE is a vital part of school life and ultimately student’s future well-being.  It is therefore our intent to provide an inclusive, broad and balanced PE curriculum that ensures ALL students will benefit, whether through enhancing existing skills, learning new skills or being introduced to new sports, clubs or teams.

It is our intent to ensure students understand the importance of leading a life-long healthy active lifestyle and to equip them with the tools to develop their physical, social and emotional well-being. Students must understand how to take care of themselves both physically and emotionally on their successful journey into adulthood.

Beyond merely a subject, we believe that participation in sporting activity is a key element of developing a school in which students are proud of the community in which they belong. Therefore, great emphasis is placed upon additional sporting opportunities beyond the classroom within after-school clubs, inter-house and inter-school competition and festivals as well as directly trying to support the local clubs within the Manchester area.  We believe this is another way in which students can positively engage with our local community and be active citizens within it.

Strengths of the Department

At Trinity we have a thriving extra-curricular programme with a range of different clubs. We encourage as many students as possible to attend these clubs, whether it is competitive or to encourage healthy living and develop social well-being. Trinity students regularly represent the school in competitions against other schools in many sports and some represent the County and even England in their chosen sport. As pupils progress through the School they will get the opportunity to become a Sports Captain.

Trinity’s reputation as a sports school of excellence within the area is growing, particularly with the U14 girls winning the National Basketball Championships 2018-2019, U12 basketball girls won the JrNBA league to become North west Winners 2018-2019 and a number of other teams winning competitions.  We had 4 teams reach the Manchester Football cup finals this year 2018-2019, with the year 10 girls becoming Champions for the fourth year running.

Though our partnership with Manchester Magic and Mystics basketball club, specialist coaches come into school to run coaching sessions for both boys and girls leading to many students’ being invite to play for the National League team.  Students may have the opportunity to help coach and manage teams and we encourage them to become involved with local clubs.

We provide Extra -Curricular clubs in the following sports

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Athletics
  • Handball
  • Rounder
  • Cricket
  • Fitness
  • Badminton
  • Dodgeball
  • Rugby
  • Dance
  • Table Tennis
  • Trampoining
Our PE Kit

Compulsory items:
Black shorts/Red Trinity T-shirt & Red socks

Optional (worn over compulsory kit):
Black tracksuit bottoms/Trinity P.E. fleece
Suitable sports trainers

Compulsory items:
Black shorts/tracksuits pants/ Trinity leggings
Black Trinity T-shirt
Black socks

Optional (worn over compulsory kit):
Black Trinity P.E. fleece
Suitable sports trainer

Exam Board (GCSE): PEARSON Exam Board (BTEC): PEARSON

KS3 PE Curriculum

At KS3 students will study a variety of activities including Netball, Football, Basketball, handball, Rugby, Gymnastics, Dance, Orienteering, Fitness, Rounders, Athletics and Cricket. Students will be taught in mixed ability classes in year 7 and then set based on their ability in year 8-11.  This will enable lessons to be tailored to individual needs, however these sets will be regularly reviewed allowing students the opportunity to move between groups.

At the beginning of KS3 the curriculum seeks to develop students’ physical literacy skills, enhancing their ability to link generic skills through different activities. As the key stage progresses students seek to refine core skills and enhance complex movements. Throughout the key stage students are provided with every opportunity to evaluate and improve their own and others work enabling them to provide a detailed analysis on performance by the end of Year 9.

During KS3 there is a consistent focus on independent learning allowing students to develop their leadership capabilities enabling them to develop confidence and resilience.

In Year 9 students will select their option pathway for KS4. Students will have the opportunity to discuss this with their class teacher to ensure an appropriate pathway is selected.

We advise all students to take part in extra curricular sport.


5 ways I can help my son/daughter
1 Ensure students have their full PE kit for all practical lessons.
2 Support your child in attending extra curricular activities.
3 Discuss healthy, active lifestyles with them.
4 Support their learning of leadership skills.
5 Engage with your child in watching sport

KS4 PE Curriculum

In Key Stage 4, all students will continue to participate in Core Physical Education lessons.

The Physical Education curriculum at Trinity C E High School aims to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. We also strive to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We seek to provide numerous opportunities for students to compete in sport, build character and to develop values such as commitment, resilience, fairness and respect.

In addition to Core PE lessons, students will have the opportunity to study GCSE PE or Level 2 BTEC Sport. 

GCSE PELevel 2 BTEC Sport


The Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in Physical Education consists of two externally-examined papers and two non-examined assessment components. Components 1 and 2 will be assessed in year 11. Components 3 and 4 may be assessed at any point during the course.

Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems

Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes

36% of the qualification

90 marks

Content overview:

● Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology

● Topic 2: Movement analysis

● Topic 3: Physical training

● Topic 4: Use of data

Assessment overview:

The assessment consists of multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended writing questions.

Students must answer all questions.

Calculators can be used in the examination.

Component 2: Health and Performance

Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes

24% of the qualification

70 marks

Content overview:

● Topic 1: Health, fitness and well-being

● Topic 2: Sport psychology

● Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences

● Topic 4: Use of data

Assessment overview:

The assessment consists of multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended writing questions.

Students must answer all questions.

Calculators can be used in the examination.

Component 3: Practical Performance

Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated

30% of the qualification

105 marks (35 marks per activity)

Content overview:

● Skills during individual and team activities

● General performance skills

Assessment overview:

The assessment consists of students completing three physical activities from a set list.

One must be a team activity.

One must be an individual activity.

The final activity can be a free choice.

Students must participate in three separate activities.

Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) (*Component code: 1PE0/04)

Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated

10% of the qualification

20 marks

Content overview:

● Aim and planning analysis

● Carrying out and monitoring the PEP

● Evaluation of the PEP

Assessment overview:

The assessment consists of students producing a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP), and

will require students to analyse and evaluate their performance.

These will be assessed by the teacher and moderated by Pearson.


Level 2 BTEC Sport

This is a vocational course over 2 years. Please note that this is equivalent to a GCSE.


  • Practical performance and observation.
  • Multiple choice and short answer examination.
  • Written coursework assignments.

What can BTEC Sport offer you?

1. The chance to participate in and develop your practical abilities in a range of activities, taken from the areas of Invasion Games, Net/Wall Games, Personal Fitness, Individual and Striking/Fielding Games.

2. The opportunity to extend your knowledge of the rules and etiquette involved in a variety of sports

3. An introduction to specialised training methods and styles and types of fitness testing

4. Knowledge of the human body and how it responds to exercise

5. The sports performer in action

What you should have?

1. An all-round interest in and enthusiasm for Physical activity

2. A willingness to learn new skills and techniques and apply the necessary effort in a variety of different activities

3. An ability to appreciate a scientific approach to studies.

Students will be doing four units in this subject:

Unit 1 – Fitness for sport and exercise – external exam

Unit 2 – Practical sport performance.

Unit 5 – Training for personal fitness.

Unit 6 – Leading sports Activities.

This consists of 1 exam and 3 units which all consist of 3 or 4 assignments in each.

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