PSHCE Curriculum
PSHE and Citizenship are combined in Year 7 therefore elements of both are taught as ‘PSHCE’
Unit 1: Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Wellbeing
- L1: An introduction to healthy lifestyles and mental wellbeing
- L2: Healthy eating
- L3: What makes a healthy lifestyle
Unit 2: Financial Wellbeing
- L1: Buying
- L2: Your money your choice
- L3: What do banks do?
Unit 3: Keeping Safe
- L1: Personal safety* Police
- L2: Keeping safe: Online relationships
- L3: Peer on Peer abuse: Online bullying
- L4: Knife crime
- L5: Legal and illegal drugs
- L6: Smoking
- L7: Alcohol
- L8: First Aid: Basic treatment for common injuries
Unit 4: Relationships and Sex
- L1: Healthy Relationships: Friendships
- L2: Parenting
- L3: Puberty
- L4: Periods
- L5: Hygiene
- L6: Relationships- Rights and Responsibilities
Unit 1: Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Wellbeing
- L1: Self-esteem
- L2: Emotional health
- L3: Oral hygiene
- L4: Improving our wellbeing
Unit 2: Keeping Safe
- L1: Smoking
- L2: Cannabis: The facts
- L3: Cannabis: The Risks
- L4: Peer on peer abuse: types of bullying and characteristics
- L5: Peer on Peer abuse: Sexting
- L6 Peer on peer- Exploitation
- L7: Coping with loss
- L8. Personal safety: vaccination and immunisations
- L9:First Aid: Basic Life Saving Skills
* Knife Awareness police
Unit 3: Relationships and Sex
- L1: Romance at Trinity High
- L2: Romance at Trinity High
- L3: Romance at Trinity High
- L4: Contraception
- L5: Pregnancy Options
- L6: FGM
Unit 1: Rights and Diversity in the UK
- L1: Who am I?
- L2: Who am I? Part 2
- L3: Equality
- L4: Protected characteristics
- L5: Customs, Values and Traditions in Britain
- L6: Culture Box
- L7: Diversity in the UK over time
Unit 2: Financial Wellbeing
- L1: World of work
- L2: The Dream
- L3: What’s My Line
- L4: Reality Check
- L5: Payslips and Earnings
Unit 3: Democracy and Justice
- L1: Law and Justice
- L2: Democracy
- L3: Political Parties and the Cabinet
- L4: Government Spending
- L5: Welfare System
- L6: Local Government
- L7: Role of the Police
- L8: Monarchy
- L9: Courts and Tribunals
- L10: Aims of Punishment & Prison
Unit 1: Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Wellbeing
- L1: Body image
- L2: Healthy eating and the importance of a healthy lifestyle
- L3: Obesity
- L4: Wellbeing
Unit 2: Keeping Safe
- L1: Drugs and the law
- L2: Drugs and risks
- L3: Alcohol
- L4. County lines* Police
- L5: Extremism
- L6: Peer on peer abuse: bullying and the role of the bystander
- L7: Peer on Peer abuse: Relationship Abuse
- L8:First Aid: Life Saving Skills
Unit 3: Relationships and Sex
- L1: Relationships
- L2: Gender and sexuality
- L3: Consent and being ready for sex
- L4: Contraception and STIs
- L5: Child exploitation
- L6: HIV awareness
- L7* George House Trust
Unit 1: Equality and Human Rights
- L1: Wealth and Poverty in the UK
- L2: World Poverty
- L3: Homelessness
- L4: United Nations
- L5: Voluntary Organisations
Unit 2: Financial Wellbeing
- L1: Income and Debt
- L2: Budgeting
- L3: Consumer Rights
- L4: Pensions
Unit 3: Global Citizenship
- L1: Asylum Seekers and Refugees
- L2: The Rwandan Genocide
- L3: The Rwandan Genocide
- L4: The Rwandan Genocide
- L5: The Rwandan Genocide
- L5: Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
- L6: The Death Penalty
- L7: Amnesty International and the Death Penalty
Unit 4: Societal issues
- L1: The Influence of the Media
- L2: Social Media, are we hooked?
- L3: Domestic violence
- L4: Knife crime * police
- L5: Gun crime * Mothers Against Violence
Unit 1: Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Wellbeing
Mental health awareness
Unit 2: Financial Wellbeing
This is covered in form time
Unit 3: Keeping Safe
- Knife crime 1
- Knife-free
- Radicalisation and extremism
- Dignity and Respect
- Gambling
- Drugs
- Alcohol
Unit 4: Relationships and Sex
- *I am Sam
- Forming positive relationships
- Online relationships
- Relationship Abuse
- Sexual Consent and the Law
- Democracy
- Compulsory voting
- Financial wellbeing
Unit 1: Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Wellbeing
- Stress and exams
- Mental health and wellbeing
Unit 2: Financial Wellbeing
This is covered in form time
Unit 3: Keeping Safe
- Online safety: online identity
- Peer on peer abuse: sexual harassment
- Pornography
Unit 4: Relationships and Sex
- Screening and self examination
- Reproductive health and fertility
- Parenthood
- Communism vs Capitalism
- Financial wellbeing